Conducting Yourself on a Set or at a Shoot

Your conduct reflects on you for future work and on other members of the Roseys Talent Team

Allow extra time for travel. Never turn up late and preferably be there a little early. When you do arrive make sure you check-in so that the production team know your arrival time and they know you are there. Tell them you are from Roseys Talent Consultants so they know where to send your hours and rates.

Always comply promptly with the instructions of the director and the production team. If an instruction appears to be inappropriate or unreasonable politely ask for an opportunity to contact us and we will use our best endeavours to deal with the issue, acting on your behalf.

Make sure you know the dress code and make-up requirements for the job before attending. We will help you with this. You may have to take extra items.

Make sure any clothing you wear or bring, including shoes, does not have any logos, images, or artwork on them. Nothing that could potentially be a trademark or copyright issue.

There can be a lot of waiting around. NEVER go wandering off anywhere else, ever.

If you have to go to the bathroom let a member of the production team know. There are sometimes allocated breaks.

Be aware of your volume while waiting and talking to others. Aim at being quiet.

Other things to bring: a book to read, earbuds and charger, and a phone charger. Always make sure you can hear the members of the production team for instructions. Also, bring some snacks. Food availability varies with jobs.

Always be ready to go on set at a moment’s notice. There is no time to adjust clothing or make-up.

NEVER EVER take a nap. Ever. No matter how bored or tempted you are.

Never, ever, EVER complain.

Don’t talk to principal actors or models unless they initiate a conversation with you first.

Do not take pictures on set, unless you get permission from a senior member of the production team first. Most professional sets have a strict “no photos” policy.

f you don’t know or understand something, or aren’t sure what to do, JUST POLITELY ASK

If food is readily available be careful not to overeat as that may make you drowsy. Mind your table manners and be considerate of others. If meals are being provided remember actors and production staff are ahead of you in the queue. Don’t worry there is usually plenty of food to go around.

Extras, models and other talent come in many different shapes, sizes, ethnic backgrounds, and looks. Don’t criticise.

Be careful if you are offered “off the books” work. This usually means lower rates and longer hours and potential exposure to risky situations. The offer is made in their interests not yours in the long run. Politely decline with the counter offer you would be prepared to do the extra work and be paid in the normal course. In our experience this earns the respect and trust of the Producer as you have demonstrated your integrity and loyalty.

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