Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs - Talent - Using the Website
- How many and what size images should I upload?
We regard six to ten images as a reasonable number.
The images should not include other people.
The images should be good quality. It is better to have a few good quality images than a lrge muner of poor qulaity images. Even some poor quality images can have a adverse impact on your presentation.
Images should not exceed 1,000 px in width or height. The headshot image should preferably be square. It should not exceed 400 px in height.
- Can I have videos in my Talent Card?
Yes, as long as they are good quality and mainly focus on you.
You can list the video URLs from YouTube or Vimeo in the Talent Card Submission. You can also download MP4 video files from social medai and elsewhere. The M44 files can be uploaded to our Dropbox and played directly from Dropbox on the website.
- I have submitted my Talent Card but I cannot see the uploaded information.
In order to see the uploaded information we must apply a template. Even when the template has been added the edit page of the Talent Card does not show the information. While the Talent Card is in draft you can still preview the Talent Card by clicking on Preview on the top right hand corner of the page. There is a small drawing of a computer to click.
When you and us are happy with the draft the Talent Card will be published. Only Producers, you and us can see your Talent Card
- Why can’t I see my name and image on the Talent Directory?
THis is probaly due to your Talent Crd still being in draft. When it is approved for publication it will be published and you ill appear in the Talent Directory.
- How do I update my Talent Card?
Go to the page How to Update Your Talent Card . This is only available if you are logged in as Talent which means you have or soon will have a Talent Card to update.
- How do I update my confidential information such as contact and bank account details?
Go to your Talent (Membership Account) and click on Edit Profile near the bottom of the page. You will be taken to a page with all you confidential information which you can edit.
FAQs - Talent - The Entertainment Industry
- How do I get paid?
We will negotiate the hourly rates for you for a particular job (project). These rates will vary with the type of job and the number of hours on set or at the shoot. The rates will be no less than the minmum rates set by the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance.
Make sure you keep a record of your time of arraival and departure from a job.
At the completion of a job, or at least weekly for longer jobs, the Producer will contact us with your hours and applicable rates. We will contact you to ensure these are correct.
We will generate an Agent's invoice (not a tax invoice) on your behalf and the other members of Roseys Talent on that job. We will quote our ABN as agent and your ABN as the supplier.
When the invoice is paid it is paid into our trust account. We deduct our commission and pay the balance into your nominated bank account. We are required by law to pay the amount due to you within 14 days of receipt of the funds from the Producer.
You will sent a statement by email setting out the hours, rates applied, the gross amount, the commission charged and the net amount paid into your bank account. This should be reatined for income tax purposes.
- How much does it cost?
Look on the price as an investment in your future.
- Why do I have to sign a formal agreement?
It is a requirement of the law, the Entertainment Industry Act 2013 (NSW).
It also helps make clear your and our obligations and rights and reduces the risk caused by uncertainty.
- Why do I need to have an Australian Business Number (ABN)?
You need an ABN because you are not an employee of any particular Producer or Roseys Talent Consultants. In the case of Roseys we are your agents. Your relationship with Producers is that of an independant contractor.
If you do not provide an ABN the Producer is required by Taxation Law to withold from the amount you have earned an amount at a rate of 47%. There are exceptions but in the fast pace of the entertainmdnt industry Producers do not want to be held up with extra administration dealing with exceptions.
Not quoting an ABN would make a Producer reluctant to hire you for future projects.
If you do not provide an ABN the Producer is required by Taxation Law to withold from the amount you have earned an amount at a rate of 47%. tThere are exceptions but in the fast pace of the entertainmdnt industry Producers do not want to be held up with extra administration dealing with exceptions.
As an extra precaution we issue an Agent's Invoice (not a tax invoice) to the Producer with your hours and rates and we quote Rosey's ABN as an agent.
- How do I apply for an ABN?
It is free to apply for an ABN. Do not use a private organisation. Go to
You will need to supply your Tax File Number, full name, date of birth and address, and your business activity being Model and Entertianer. For the purposes of the application you are a sole trader as the services you are providing as a contrator are defined as an enterprise for the purpose of the ABN legislation.
In the application you are NOT applying for GST Only registration. That is you are not applying for GST registration as part of this ABN application.
- Do I have to lodge a Business Activity Statement (BAS) and Collect GST?
No, because even though you have an ABN you are not regsitered for GST. Therefore you cannot collect GST and you do not have to lodge a BAS.
- My daughter is only 10 years of age, does she need an ABN?
Technically she is not leally required to have an ABN but she will have to complete a Statement by Supplier , (see ) and make a declaration for each and every job (project). She must ensure she does not earn more than $350 in any one week from that job. In the long run it is simply easier to have an ABN.
- Am I guaranteed work?
We will do our reasonable best to bring you to the attention of Producers.
Roseys does not guarantee regularity or availability of work for any talent that the agency represents. The industry is very competitive and Roseys does not have any influence in the selection process – this is a matter solely for Producers to determine having regard to their requirements for a particular project.
- How do I cancel my Subscription (Membership)?
You can cancel you membership at any time. In order to avoide the recurring annual payment you need to cancel your membership prior to the next annual membership fee is due for payment.
Go to your Membership (Talent) Account and under your Membership Level you will see “Resend Confirmation Email | Change | Cancel”. Click Cancel and you will be asked to confirm your cancellation and provide a reason for your cancellation.
Your Membership will still be valid until the next due payment date. If the you are a Producer your Membership and thefore access is cancelled immediately.
If you want us to cancel your access immediatley contact us via the Contact us form .
- Are there Refunds?
Roseys Talent Consultants complies with the Australian Conumer Law. Genrally there are no refunds after payments has been made.
An exception to this general rule is the three (3) day cooling off period.
The Cooling Off Period
- The cooling-off period ends at 5 pm on the third business day after the day on which the Agreement was entered into.
- You may terminate this Agreement before the end of the cooling-off period, by notice in writing to Roseys in accordance with the Entertainment Industry Managerial Agreement you entered into. Giving notice to Roseys will be by email sent and received to the email address
- On termination of this Agreement, your Subscription Fee will be refunded in full by crediting the credit or debit card used to pay the Subscription Fee as soon as practicable after termination of the Agreement.
- The cooling-off period does not apply to any renewal of the Subscription (Membership).
FAQs - Producers
- Who are Producers
Producers are anyone who can hire or influence the decision to hire Talent. These people include representatives from production companies, event organisers, venue management, casting directors, advertisiers, and advertising agencies.
- How do I update my contact details?
Log in. You should be directed to your Producer Account. Click on Edit Profile. You will be taken to a page where you can update your details.
- Can I have more than one person as my authorised representative?
Yes, you can have more than one authoised represetative but they will each have their own account. You can share one account but that is not recommended due to privacy and security concerns.
- I have a change in staff
Ask the departing person to log in and cancel their account. Alternatively you can advise us and we can cancel their account. The new person will need to set up a new account.
If you are going to use the same email address and have access to the user name to log in you can reset the password by clicking “Forgot Password” at the log in. You can just change the details of the person in their profile by going to the Producer account.
If you have the user name and password you can log in and go to your producers account and change the password where indicated in the Producers account.