It is only currently available to the Talent of Roseys to view and edit or suggest amendments to their own Talent Cards. It is also available to invited (“accredited”) producers, casting agents, advertisers and directors (“Producers”), who can view the whole of the directory. Producers will be issued with login details.

Producers can filter their search for Talent by listed characteristics. They can also list a particular Talent Card as a favourite for later review. They can also make PDF copies of their selected Talent Cards.

At this stage membership of Rosey’s Talent team is by invitation only. Rosey will obtain your details from you and we will enter those details into the Talent Directory. We will also provide you with login details so you can review and amend your Talent Card.

Someone wishing to join Rosey’s Talent Team will be able to register online and submit their details including uploading images and links to videos themselves. Their application will be reviewed and if in order will be published or it may require some amendments before publication.

Producers, casting agents, advertisers and directors can apply online to be accredited and to access the Talent Directory. They will also be able to update their contact details with changes in their team.

We will also be sprucing up the look of the website as part of Stage 2 and much more.

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